Unheard prayer-the beauty of our soul

Unheard prayer is like a deposit-a deposit in heaven.Each prayer has three ingredients,faith,hope and love.These divine virtues will last forever.And it will dwell in our soul and adds the beauty of it.The God jealously yearns this  soul  adorned with the beauty of these virtues-James 4:5.
Take the instance of Holy family. St.Joseph is righteous man and Holy Mary is immaculate,yet God did n't hear their prayer during the time of Jesus's birth.And not provided a place for the birth of His own son.How  much She might  prayed from the time they reached  in strange place of   Bethlehem during the crucial time of labour.But I don't tell that she not answered with prayer.But I would like to say it as She did n't get an expected answer.The prayer of Mother of God for  favor of delivery with the care of own morher has answered with this Word :"Hear,O daughter,consider and incline your ear;forget your people and your father's house,and the king will desire your beauty."-Psalm 45:10.When we telling that set a limit in the mind for taking the advantages of our own people/father's house or when we compare it with our own father's house-God's sanctuary,we came to know that for our prayers too we will not get a rightful reward. What happens to these kind of prayer?-It will become as a deposit.Where it will get deposit?It is in our soul.It adds the beauty of our soul.

V.P Achan,Kreupasanam